Vision, mission and values


Light matters and we harness it to live life to the full. We mitigate against changing lifestyles and climate to promote health and combat circadian-related health problems in our populations. 

We work towards these changes:

  • Light nutrition’s importance is recognised and integrated into medical models, public health programmes, building and urban design and management practices.
  • A ban on windowless residential property, and legislation/guidance on people being in windowless environments, with clear instructions on requirements for daylight access.
  • Indoor environments are lit by daylight as a priority, with high-quality artificial light acting as a seamless and natural-feeling supplement where needed.
  • A greater, cross-discipline understanding of light nutrition and circadian-related health problems, with research-informed practice and communications.
  • Clear guidance for consumers (professional or individual) to empower them to select high-quality products and services. 
  • Individuals are supported to meet their light nutrition needs by employers and service operators of indoor environments.
  • Individuals are empowered to understand and manage their own light nutrition needs.


Our mission is to make light matter, empowering individuals to live life to the full. 

We educate and connect individuals, organisations and professionals around light nutrition and support them to take positive behavioural and environmental steps to increase individuals’ wellbeing.


  • Inclusive – we want good health for all individuals and we welcome all professions
  • Community – we are stronger together, more than the sum of our parts
  • Freedom – we believe people should be free to choose what’s right for them
  • Growth – we encourage a growth mindset and positive action

We are: curious, sunny, friendly, bold, a leading light.


  • Individual – we recognise individuals have different light nutrition needs
  • Holistic – light is an important part of an overall wellness picture
  • Freedom and flexibility – let’s empower people to make the right choices to meet their individual light nutrition needs day-to-day

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